På Hotel Cecil kan du opleve koncerter med danske og internationale artister samt comedy-shows og live-podcasts. Fredage og lørdage fra kl. 22 - 04 præsenterer vores natklub Cecil AM desuden lokale og internationale DJs samt midnatskoncerter og særlige klubaftener.
Hotel Cecil er en del af Kvindernes Bygning, der blev opført i 1936. Gennem årene har lokalerne fungeret som Det Kongelige Teaters ’Gråbrødrescenen’ og som et koncertsted for jazzmusikken under Copenhagen Jazzhouse.
I 2018 overtog folkene bag Bremen Teater stedet og navngav det nye spillested Hotel Cecil, da der tidligere har ligget et hotel i bygningen med dette navn. Kapaciteten til stående koncerter er 350 og 220 til siddende arrangementer.
ABOUT – In English
Hotel Cecil is a 350-capacity venue (plus an upstairs bar) located in downtown Copenhagen. The venue opened in February 2018 after the former venue Jazzhouse moved out of the building.
Since then, Cecil has established itself as one of the most popular venues in Copenhagen, offering a diverse music program featuring local artists as well as international touring bands. In the past, acts such as Sudan Archives, Grant-Lee Phillips, Little Simz, Mike Stern, Arooj Aftab, Mercury Rev, and many others have performed at Cecil.
On Fridays and Saturdays, our night club Cecil AM, presents a curated line up of local and international DJs.
In addition to the outstanding acoustics in the concert hall, the venue exhibits a unique vibe with art deco-inspired interior design that adds a special atmosphere to the concert experience. The concert hall is fully ventilated with a cooling system and also offers two elevated platforms to ensure a great stage view for everyone in the audience.
Hotel Cecil is run by BREMEN TEATER.
Tlf - 50286652 (mandag og onsdag kl. 11.00 – 13.00)
General inquiries – info@hotelcecil.dk
Lost & Found – lostandfound@hotelcecil.dk
Booking – booking@hotelcecil.dk
Vagtplanlægningsansvarlig, Bahia N. Jensen:
Personaleansvarlig & Cecil AM, Tamara Rønbach:
Direktør, Jesper Majdall:
Spillestedsleder, Søren Hvidt:
Produktionsansvarlig, Theis Poulsen:
Kommunikationsansvarlig, Sune Pape: